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Maximum Performance with Minimal Investment

Our IT and technology consultants work diligently to ensure that our clients have all the information they need to make informed decisions about the hardware and software they purchase for their business. Our consultancy services is designed to help clients maximize their return on investment by identifying critical purchases and extracting the maximum possible efficiency from each investment. With this in mind, we are confident that our consultants will help business gain visibility, optimize the operations and learn more about how to sustainably maintain their IT infrastructure. Our consultants are fully prepared to discuss advanced subjects such as architecture optimization as well as more fundamental processes, such as data storage, cloud storage, and general infrastructure planning. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about the various ways our consultants can help you boost the efficiency and productivity of your existing IT network. For those who are beginning their first investment in IT hardware, our consultants will make sure you make the right choices the first time.

Accelerated Recovery
Accelerated Recovery

Ransomware will cost $20B
globally this year

Ransomware attacks are happening more often and becoming more sophisticated. Ransom demands are trending up as threat actors execute attacks that often delete or encrypt backup data. Recovery times are also increasing as data systems become more complex, encompassing both endpoints and data centers.

Protect your backup data from encryption and deletion

Defense-in-depth, zero-trust security architecture, and immutable, air-gapped backups ensure you always have safe, unencrypted data to recover.

Accelerate ransomware recovery

Quickly identify unusual activity and prevent contamination spread within minutes of detection. Scan snapshots before recovery to eliminate reinfection.

Bridge the gap between backup and security systems

Your IT and security teams work together; their technology should too. Built-in integrations with SIEM and SOAR tools automate response and recovery.

Immutable Backups
Immutable Backups

How is Druva different

Unlike on-premises or Windows-based solutions that may be vulnerable to ransomware, Resplainc’s cloud-native architecture protects data and speeds up recovery.

Air-gapped, immutable backups

  • Backups stored off-site in a different account not connected to your network  
  • Object-based storage prevents encryption of backup data
  • Malware-resistant architecture prevents ransomware from executing

Zero-trust security architecture

  • MFA and access controls stop ransomware from using compromised credentials 
  • Bastion, VPN, and auto-expiring credentials
  • AES-256 encryption for data in flight and at rest

Unusual Data activity and user access insights

  • Identify backup anomalies with entropy-based ML 
  • Monitor admin and API access to backups 
  • Feed data and alerts to SIEM and SOAR tools
Malware scanning
Malware scanning

Quarantining and deletion of snapshots

  • Quarantine or delete infected snapshots
  • Stop infection spread and isolate for forensics 
  • Built-in integrations with SOAR tools for automation

Malware scanning and federated search

  • Prevent reinfection from contaminated snapshots 
  • Use built-in malware scanning or your own IOCs
  • Find and delete files across all backups with federated search

Fully managed security operations

  • Vulnerability scans with regular patching and upgrades 
  • Penetration testing and dedicated SecOps personnel
  • 24*7*365 threat monitoring and response

Cloud backup and archiving provides flexibility, scale, and deduplication across storage tiers which lowers costs without compromising resilience.


Cloud Archiving That's Radically Simple, Low-Cost and Secure

Single-click, policy-driven enablement of cloud archiving to cold storage offers up to 50% savings. Make your cloud archiving and retention costs predictable with simple consumption-based pricing and no egress charges.

1-click setup with no storage configuration or management

  • One-click enablement turns on automatic storage tiering 
  • Visualize savings and trends with dashboards and reporting
  • Predictable costs, simple licensing, and no ingress/egress charges

Automated storage-tiering and deduplication

  • Global, source-side deduplication across storage tiers
  • Policy-driven tiering of backup data into Amazon S3 Glacier tiers
  • Ultra low-cost archive storage tier for files with infrequent access

Secures and protects your data from ransomware

  • TLS and AES-256 encryption of data in-flight and at-rest
  • “Air gap” of backup and archive data in the Druva cloud
  • Scan snapshots for malware and IoCs before restoring

Secures and protects your data from ransomware

  • TLS and AES-256 encryption of data in-flight and at-rest
  • “Air gap” of backup and archive data in the Druva cloud
  • Scan snapshots for malware and IoCs before restoring

Meet privacy, residency, and compliance needs more easily

  • Envelope encryption ensures only you can access your data
  • Supports a wide number of compliance and data privacy initiatives
  • Meets residency requirements with 14+ AWS storage regions

Cloud Archiving with Traditional Backup is Expensive and Complex

Organizations moving data to cold storage from on-premises or cloud-hosted solutions lack a storage and cost efficient way to To meet long-term retention needs. Cloud backup and archiving provides flexibility, scale, and deduplication across storage t

Cost efficiency with storage tiering & dedupe

Lower storage costs by up to 50% more with global deduplication across storage tiers, automated storage tiering, and the Resplainc archive storage tier.

Automated archiving without infrastructure

One-click enables cloud archiving with no limit to the number of backups in cold storage. Access, search, and recover data from a centralized console.

Global scale and regional storage

Resplainc cloud storage is highly resilient and available in 15+ regions globally supporting long term data needs for audit, data privacy and compliance.


Reduce cost and complexity of eDiscovery

Manage legal holds across an organization, reducing reliance on custodians and minimizing the
risk of spoliation.

By removing the bulk of onsite hardware requirements of traditional data centers while simultaneously preserving their immense benefits, SDDCs allow customers to enjoy the same level of access and flexibility they would have with a traditional data center in an entirely new paradigm. Through the use of intelligent software systems, SDDCs are capable of internal management and maintenance without requiring the intervention of human engineers or IT professionals. Instead of relying on troves of hardware to keep a data center running smoothly, SDDCs only require an initial investment in software.